A Week of Thanks: Celebrate Gratitude Seven Ways in Seven Days

Part of the beauty and magic of gratitude is the nearly infinite options that exist for tapping into gratitude’s positivity and transformational benefits. Let gratitude boost your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing by choosing different people to turn your appreciation to day by day. Our list below of gratitude techniques can keep your gratitude practice […]

Relax into Life

Imagine seeing someone lying in a hammock. Perhaps the scene is a beach or a wooded backyard. Seems pretty relaxing, right? But what if the person reclined in the hammock is ruminating on all the stressful situations in their life—at work, with finances, with family, and more? Relaxing the body is one thing; relaxing the […]

Grow Your Journaling and Boost Your Health with Nature!

Sunlight glistening on river waters. A forest vibrant with newly green spring leaves. A night sky full of stars dazzling above the desert. A field of wildflowers. Snowflakes. Roses. Sequoias. Ocean waves. Nature’s treasure chest is overflowing with beauty and wonder! From listening to the sound of a waterfall to hiking to a mountaintop to […]