
Our Global Mission

The Institute for Meditation and Inner Harmony is a not-for-profit institute whose simple goal is to help people lead happier, healthier, more fulfilling lives.

We conduct our own research projects as well as review the research of others. From this body of research, we also share practical information and tools to help people address the challenges of life. We distribute these proven ideas through newsletters, blogs, seminars, classes, and through our holistic wellness app: Innergy. Our message is conveyed through practical strategies and easy-to-use tools in an effort to help everyone improve their overall well-being and happiness.

We explore the efficacy and benefits of meditation, the keys to restorative sleep, the rewards of a plant-based diet, the impact of exercise, the value of volunteerism, effective tools for stress management, and more. In short – an holistic approach to wellness.

We encourage you to take part in this meaningful journey – the journey to greater inner harmony!


Products and Services

Innergy, our holistic wellness app, debuted in the summer of 2023. This intuitive app brings a world of information and practical tips to your fingertips. Its breadth of content is unmatched, spanning areas from meditation and exercise to diet and nutrition, to stress management, to sleep, dance, volunteerism and more.

It includes thousands of practical tips, strategies, recipes, videos, meditations, exercises, dances, learning modules, and more for people of all ages and experience levels. Innergy is intended to help users take positive actions that will lead to improved health and greater harmony in all areas of their lives.


Holistic wellness is a journey, one that involves continual learning. As our research unfolds and as experiences gained through the Innergy app grow, we commit to bringing you the latest fact-based information through articles, videos, seminars and interactive technology.

Who We Are

We are a global, non-profit organization of people who are passionate about health and wellness, meditation, and harmonious living. Our founders and Board of Directors come from a number of different industries and backgrounds and are all united by the desire to make a positive change in the world and help people lead happier, more fulfilling lives. We are all passionate about sharing the positive impacts these principles can have on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Board of Advisors

Our distinguished Board of Advisors is comprised of a number of leading doctors, medical and meditation experts, nutritionists, physical trainers, and therapists, all of whom believe in the value of a holistically healthy way of living.


Start Today

Self-growth and improvement begin from within. Whatever your goal — a happier life, a cleaner diet, better relationships, a more fulfilling career, less stress, or better overall wellness — be the change you want to see in the world.

Begin by making positive adjustments in your life today. It’s amazing how simple, daily improvements in our lives quickly build up to significant shifts in our sense of well being and inner harmony. And remember: We’re here to help you all along the way!