The Power of Service and Volunteering

From tree planting and beach cleanups to adult literacy programs, volunteering at food banks and soup kitchens, participating in blood drives, or even working in youth mentorship programs, community service can take a wide variety of wonderful and varied forms. You may have learned about this fantastic and rewarding pursuit from your parents, friends, or […]
Add More Activity to Your Day

More than two-thirds of all Americans don’t get the recommended 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week that’s needed to promote optimal fitness, according to a recent study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Another recent survey found that more than three-quarters of U.S. adults would either like to be in better […]
Sleep Better with White Noise

If you’ve ever driven through a bad patch of radio reception, you’ve likely heard white noise within that scattered, distorted audio signal. Ranging from a soft hiss to a consistent hum or whirr, white noise is a combination of all frequencies across the spectrum of audible sound, played in equal measure. While white noise might […]
Strategies for Adopting a Plant-Based Diet

From ethical concerns to a desire to improve your health, there are so many reasons to adopt a more plant-based diet—and all of them are good! So why not get started right away? Whether you want to change your diet entirely or just make some small tweaks here and there to include more plant-based foods […]
Catching Stress in The Act

Have you ever been so stressed that you felt like you didn’t know how to cope? If so, you’re not alone. Stress can ruin our sleep and make us more prone to eating poorly. Our bathroom trips get out of whack. We get sick. And sometimes, stress can be so bad that we struggle to […]
Cultivating Greater Inner Harmony

When you think about inner harmony, what comes to mind? Is it a visualization of you in a serene setting? Or is cultivating your own inner harmony more about developing a personal feeling of peace and tranquility? Whatever image emerges for you, it’s safe to say that inner harmony should be something we all strive […]
The Rewards of Consistent Meditation

Beginning a regular meditation practice can be a challenge. Any new habit or ritual takes a little time to get used to. But once you get a regular, comfortable flow going, you can expect some pretty amazing returns from your efforts. Here are just a few of the many positive changes you can expect with […]
5 Secrets for a Consistent Meditation Practice

Welcome to the May edition of “Wellness Within.” This month’s newsletter is dedicated to the transformative power of meditation. As we approach the celebration of World Meditation Day on May 21st, we at the Institute for Meditation & Inner Harmony (IMIH) are thrilled to share the passion and insights that have fueled our journey over […]
Let Your Inner Harmony Radiate Outward

Welcome to our special Earth Day edition of “Wellness Within,” where we continue to celebrate our planet’s natural beauty and the vital steps we can take towards its preservation. As spring unfurls its vibrant palette of colors, bringing life and renewal to the natural world, it serves as a powerful reminder of Earth’s inherent cycles […]
Grow Where You Are Planted

Welcome to our April edition of “Wellness Within.” Spring is vibrantly underway, and this season signifies more than just outward change; it embodies a revitalizing spirit that energizes our core being. This month at the Institute for Meditation and Inner Harmony, we’re embracing the timeless adage to “grow where you are planted,” a theme that […]