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The Power of Service and Volunteering

Staff Writer

Institute for Meditation and Inner Harmony

Find yourself in the act of supporting others.

From tree planting and beach cleanups to adult literacy programs, volunteering at food banks and soup kitchens, participating in blood drives, or even working in youth mentorship programs, community service can take a wide variety of wonderful and varied forms. You may have learned about this fantastic and rewarding pursuit from your parents, friends, or a faith-based institution. Or perhaps you fell into a life of service on your own. Whatever the case, if you are already contributing to your community or volunteering in some way, congratulations, and thank you for all that you do!

On the flip side, there are also many of us who are curious about volunteering or would like to get started in some way — or are just searching for a way we can begin to make an impactful difference in our community. If you are part of this latter group, we have some inspiring news. It’s never too late to get started with volunteering. Even better, the rewards and happiness you’ll gain from making a tangible difference in the lives of others can be some of the most meaningful and important moments you may ever experience!

Getting Started

Most people recognize the value that volunteering can bring to the world. At the same time, when they think about how they might be able to be of service to others, that vision can become a bit murkier. They might frame volunteering as something they want to do more of in the future, when they have “extra time.” Or, they may acknowledge that even though they value acts of service done by others and can see their importance, they aren’t sure on their own about how to get started in these various activities.

But one of the most fantastic aspects of volunteering is that you can make it take any form that works for you. One ideal way to “get your feet wet” with volunteering is to start small. Pick a single cause or effort that is only going to take place once and block it out on your calendar. Events or opportunities that require just a few hours of your time might include community cleanups, food drives, or even a stop by a local blood drive. Pick one that speaks to you, and make sure you participate and support it fully. This way, you aren’t making a significant time commitment each week or month, and you can still get a good sense of what your hard work and volunteering for other acts of service might entail.

In addition to bringing about some good, this single experience with volunteering may also help you to discover how being of service can actually amplify and fulfill your own life in so many profound and enriching ways. After all, service isn’t just about giving to others. It’s about expanding who we are and bringing greater meaning and value into our own lives in the process. It’s a “win-win” for all involved!

Contributing to a Cause You Care About

Once you’ve taken part in your one-off service or volunteering experience, we hope you’ll see how easy and rewarding these activities can really be to take part in more regularly. In that case, when you’re ready to take the next step and commit to something bigger, you’ll want to give some time and thought to where you can best spend your energy and efforts in a way that’s most meaningful and productive for you. As you think about that idea, here are some considerations to keep in mind as part of your decision-making progress:

Find your “why.”

If you’ve ever wished on some level that your life had more of an impact on the world, know that it can. Ask yourself what causes, types of organizations, or community groups speak to you. Perhaps you’ve been affected by injustice of a certain kind, or come from a marginalized community. Maybe you have a deep and ongoing passion for animals. Perhaps you’ve always enjoyed being around older folks, helping them out, hearing about their lives, and learning from their wisdom. Perhaps you have a wonderful green thumb and adore time spent in nature and the promotion and protection of public green spaces. There is no right or wrong answer here — just think about what causes and issues mean the most to you. Determine where you’ve been angered for change, motivated, inspired, or simply felt most excited and passionate in life. Within this reflection is where you’ll uncover your “why.”

Do what you’re drawn to doing.

When you have your “why,” what you’ll be drawn to will be relatively clear and easy to identify. Begin your initial exploration into those causes, communities, or situations, and allow yourself to be led step by step in meeting like-minded people and groups. Begin in a manageable way, not necessarily slowly but surely. Be led by the passion of why you want to contribute: your “why.”

Decide how to integrate service into your life.

It’s always important to place service within the framework of your daily, weekly, and monthly world. Determine the kind of time you can reliably give so you can be consistent. It’s better to do regular acts in a small way than bite off more than you can chew. However, if you’re moved to contribute in a larger way, and can, by all means follow that caring impulse. The Innergy app offers many examples of just how to begin, enjoy the process, and follow through, no matter what kind of service or volunteering you are most interested in.

Reaping the Rewards of Your Efforts

Whether you decide to volunteer through a workplace or school-based organization, or you turn your hobbies into a form of volunteering (like coaching a sports team, participating in community theater, or joining a gardening club), or you find ways to volunteer as a family so you and your children can bond while doing good, the final step to successfully incorporating service and volunteering into your life is staying motivated. To make sure you can maintain your service effort on a regular basis, try to set some personal goals for your volunteering, such as the number of hours you want to commit each month or specific skills you want to develop. Tracking your progress or even logging it all in your journal can provide a further sense of accomplishment and motivation to continue with your efforts. In addition, practice plenty of gratitude for the work you’re doing — both big and small — and try to regularly reflect on the impact your volunteering has made, both for others and for yourself:

Notice how service has contributed to your happiness.

This is where service begins to give back. Sometimes, out of the blue, when you’ve been volunteering for a while, you’ll suddenly become aware of how much richer your life has become based on the generous feedback that drops in your lap. Perhaps you’ll be thanked by a small child, see the warm and grateful light in the eyes of a shelter animal, or even be given acknowledgment from an environmental organization that has reached a new milestone of growth and change that you’ve helped bring to life. How amazing these moments can be!

Share your experience with others.

When you experience these types of joyous moments, it’s only natural to want to tell others about it. When you think about your service journey, you’ll recognize that some of the moments may have been challenging, yet what will ring true is the profound meaning of it all. Taking bold, caring action is deeply rewarding. Try it, and you’ll see!

The Power of Service

So many people have been touched and inspired by acts of service and volunteering over the years. Communities have come together to build and expand. Vulnerable populations have gained food and housing. Caring individuals have learned about different cultures and perspectives, fostering global solidarity and mutual respect. And the list goes on and on.

As disability rights advocate, political activist, and lecturer Helen Keller once famously noted, “Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much!” Similarly, Mahatma Gandhi once wisely said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

In the end, it doesn’t matter what project you choose to support or what form your volunteering takes; the only thing that matters is that you give it a try. You’ll be amazed by the rewards your efforts can quickly bring about. Happy volunteering!

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